Hourly Comic Day : 1.2.2023

Background to Comic

Hourlies on hand made paper in a tiny sketch book using mainly digital sketching, one panel für jede Stunde, I drew at least one panel per hour I was awake. Below the visual Comic find a text-based version, Screenreadable Comic Version.

visual version of the comic

Hourlies: 2023, the entire comic is transcribed to plain text in the following part

Transcript of Comic to Plain Text

1.Feb Hourly Comic Day 2022

The title is digitally hand-drawn in black lines on up-cycled hand-made paper. All other panels with black lines on hand-made paper and some Colouring in red, orange, turquoise and green. Time stamps and and one-word description printed in black in small white boxes.

10 am sleeping in: A person, Illi, lies in bed, snuggled up in a yellow blanket, behind them a window, picture frames and a standing lamp.

11 am breakfast: Illi sits relaxed on a yellow sofa, in their hand a steaming tea cup and on a table a bowl, a tea pot, and behind them framed painting and a huge potted plant Pflanze.

12 pm reading: a person sits on a yellow couch reading a magazine (Queerulantin), in front of them the white tea pot and a steaming cup of tea.

13 pm just being: Plant cuts (Monstera) in a high vase on the red table, behind a vegetable bowl.

14 pm lunch: Bird’s eye view on Illi on the Sofa at the red table eating stew..

15 pm sketching: Illi still on their sofa wearing black comfortable clothes and sketching with the finger on their mobile phone.

16 pm taking a walk: Illi with a black coat with hood walks down the sloping path at a hillside with trees and graffiti.

17 pm thrifting books: Illi stands under a train bridge, in front of a red old style phone booth with a book in their hands.

18 Uhr getting groceries: Illi stands in the dark next to a bus stop sign in front of an Aldi supermarket.

19 Uhr listening in: mason jars, a cookie tin and pepper mills on top of a microwave. In a speech bubble the fragmented text: “is… junior vice-c… ery of murdering a fel… nvicted of the stagecoach ro… lan to murder his Uncle William… arrator finds his uncle “engaged in skinning… over the head with…

20 Uhr late snack: An open sandwich on a wooden slat. “bread” is written on a flat-bread, “tuna” is written on the spread.

21 Uhr: Illi at the sink washing a pot, the water is running bubbly into the sink.

22 Uhr: Illi a the bath mirror with their toothbrush. The face is visible in the mirror.

23 Uhr night-night: Illi is sitting in bed in a dark room with a book, next to them on a small desk a blue lamp.

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